Requirements Example
To help us provide you with an accurate and effective quote for your project, we've prepared a simple guide for creating a document outlining your project needs. You can use the following template to ensure you cover all the important aspects we need to understand your vision. This guide will help you include details like features, pages, sections, UI/UX preferences, and other key information.
1. Project Overview
Provide a brief overview of what you're looking to achieve with your website. This can include:
- Your business type and industry.
- The main purpose of the website (e.g., e-commerce, portfolio, informational).
- Who your target audience is.
Example: I run a fitness coaching business, and I need a website to showcase my services, client testimonials, and allow customers to book coaching sessions online.
2. Pages and Sections
Outline the pages and sections you want on your website. Consider both the core pages and any additional ones that might be important.
- Home Page
- About Us Page
- Services Page (List the services you offer)
- Contact Page (Including form or contact information)
- Blog (Optional)
- Testimonials or Reviews Page
Example: I need a Home page, About Us page, Services page with descriptions for 3 main services, a Testimonials page, a Blog for content, and a Contact page with a contact form.
3. Features and Functionality
Describe any specific features you would like to include on the website. These may include:
- Booking or appointment system
- E-commerce functionality (shopping cart, product pages, checkout).
- User login or membership area
- Forms for collecting user information
- Search functionality
Example: I'd like a booking system so customers can schedule coaching sessions. I also need a form where visitors can sign up for my newsletter.
4. Design and UI/UX Preferences
Tell us about your preferences for the design and user experience of the website.
- Do you have specific color schemes, styles, or branding you want us to use?
- Are there any websites you love that you'd like us to use as inspiration?
- Do you want a modern, minimalistic design, or something more vibrant and complex?
Example:I prefer a clean, modern look with a black, white, and green color scheme. I like the layout of [], and I want a similar look for my Services page.
5. Additional Information
Include any other details that you feel are important:
- Deadlines or timelines for the project
- Your budget range (optional)
- Any specific integrations (e.g., social media feeds, third-party apps)
Example:I'd like the website to be ready within 2 months. I also want Instagram and Facebook feeds integrated.
6. Attachments
If you have any sketches, wireframes, or design files, please include them. Even a simple drawing or a list can help us understand what you’re looking for.